There is much to be said about a freshly created sandwich piled high with all the condiments at my disposal. It is, well, fresh, for one thing, and designed to my exact craving at that moment. More important, it is ready to be consumed as quickly as it can be made. Just as fresh but a bit more time-consuming is the ever popular grilled cheese. I can recall many a night biting into the soothing creaminess of cheese surrounded by crisp slices of bread (extra crispy if I didn't pay attention to what I was doing).

And then I see it. The lone slice of pizza hiding behind the ketchup bottle. Leftover pizza brings back oh so fond memories of college and the carry-out boxes from a dozen different local pizzerias that graced our dorm room every semester. It was a great meal to have while studying and even better as breakfast on the way to class. Back then (and I am dating myself), there was no microwave with which to heat it, but none of us cared if it was cold. Just as long as it didn't smell funny.
Yes, come to me, pizza. I will make you just warm enough to turn your cheese gooey again, and then I will sit back and enjoy one of my favorite leftovers.
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