Monday, November 29, 2010

Cheer-Me-Up Music

The Cowsills and The Beach Boys

My taste in music is eclectic; I'll listen to anything from Metal to Mozart. When I'm feeling down, though, I always listen to music from the 50's and 60's. There is something about the upbeat rhythms of that era that gets my toe tapping and lifts my spirits to the point where I forget what was bothering me.

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Thursday, November 18, 2010



I had to look up in the dictionary before I could start writing.

Business woman

I wish I could be bored once in a while.

Juggling two full-time jobs (day job to pay the bills, night job as romance novelist), I find myself hopping from one task to another on a tight time schedule. It's hectic, but I've been doing it for so long that I don't even notice how busy I really am. Even the weekends are full with chores and, of course, writing.

I know I'll slow down one day, have some time to myself to just sit and think. That's when the elusive boredom might finally creep into my life. Until then ... I've got to run!

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Do I like chocolate or vanilla; hmm, let's see ...

Chocolate - hot cocoa, Hershey kisses.

Vanilla - thick shakes with vanilla bean ice cream, frosting on a red velvet cake (technically, it's cream cheese, but can you image chocolate icing on red ved velvet?)

Let's not stop there. Let's give a shout out for strawberry shortcake topped with gobs of whipped cream, banana splits with coffee ice cream and caramel topping, rum truffles for Christmas, coconut flan, and lemon ices on a hot summer day.

I am a many-flavored being and proudly say I have no favorite.

How about you?

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Monday, November 8, 2010

My Favorite Celebrity

Hands down, my favorite celebrity is the actor Alan Rickman. He is without a doubt most well-known for his stellar performances in the Harry Potter movies, but Alan RIckman is so much more.

Some actors play the same type of role over and over, but Alan Rickman has played them all. He has starred in movies as the evil bad guy (Die Hard), wooed the heroine (Sense and Sensibility), been the comic relief (Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves), and even the sidekick (The January Man). He has also done theater - fantastically, I might add, as well as written and directed.

What makes him my favorite celebrity, though, is that he has never gotten the swelled head of so many other actors. Quiet and always proper, he keeps his private life simple and never makes headlines for his bad-boy exploits. That is what makes Alan Rickman the epitome of what a celebrity should be.

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Don't hate me but ...

We women tend to be very conscious of our age at different stages of our lives. When we're young, we want to be older and therefore more mature. When we reach "a certain age" we want to be younger.

One Red Rose

I have the unique dilemma of looking pretty much the same ever since I was in college.Back then, I was able to get into bars and clubs without showing ID; which made it a real downer when I actually turned the legal age and was eager to prove I was old enough. No one asked me, and I never had to lie.

Since then, my face (thanks to some excellent genes) has not aged all that much. Even now that I have reached that magical "certain age", When someone shaves ten years off the birth certificate, I simply smile and tell them the truth. Why should I lie? It doesn't make me feel any younger (or older). I am who I am, and I wouldn't change anything about me.

So what's my real age? Those of you who know me personally know the truth, and for the rest of you, well ... keep guessing ;-)

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Monday, November 1, 2010

My Dating Deal Breakers

Thanks to Mr. Right (Mr. McGuinness, actually), it's been a while since I've been on a date, but here are five things that were sure to bring my evenings to a swift and permanent end.

Pretending to be who you are not
When I was dating, the worst thing a guy could do was try to be someone he wasn't. Be yourself, that's who I'm going to get in the end if the date turns into something serious.

Showing off
Don't try to impress me by ordering the most expensive wine on the list - especially when it won't go at all with the meal we're having. Don't tell me about the new car you bought (I'll see it later when you drive me home), the school you attended (so what if you went Ivy League, it doesn't make you a better person), or that you have your shirts hand-tailored (maybe I should date your shirt).

I'm not against smoking, some of my best friends smoke. Just don't do it in my face. Take it outside (and especially out of the car) gives me the chance to powder my nose and fix my lipstick.

A smooth talker
While on the dating circuit, nothing turned me off faster than a guy with a smooth line. It reminded me of the stereotyped slick used car salesman.

A gambler
Used to know one, glad we went our separate ways. There is nothing on this earth worse than playing second fiddle on a date to the (fill int he sport) game on the TV.

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